
First-Year Liaison - Cesar Segura (he/him/él)

Cesar Cruz Segura is from Steele, Alabama, and he is currently a freshman in Davenport College studying Computer Science and Economics. He joined Sube because he knew a few members of the organization and saw how productive they each were in their own pursuits, and so he decided to see how Sube could help him in his professional and academic aspirations. He later found that Sube was a great fit for him because he was continually supported by fellow Latinos and Latinas who would give him crucial advice and mentorship for a career in finance and tech.

Over the course of this Spring semester, Cesar plans to work hard with Sofia to provide a positive impact on the first year community by serving as their voice on the board of Sube; he plans to incorporate the vision of the first year community for what Sube could potentially be by working with current board members to make critical decisions about the future of the organization.This summer, Cesar is planning to participate in Yale/Flatiron School of Web Development, where he will be learning the fundamentals of full stack web development and creating projects of his own.